Tantric Yoga is an age-old system of "spiritual technology". A deep repository of knowledge and technique that can be of immense usefulness, and bring such powerful joy to the practitioner. It's about expansion in all its forms. When practising tantra, we give ourselves precious opportunities to identify our current limitations and heal from and grow beyond them. In this way we can experience ‘personal growth’: positive changes in the way we experience both ourselves, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually; the way we interact with others communicatively, creatively, transactionally, sexually and socially; and our relationship to the environment around us, and the natural world close by.
The ways in which these benefits manifest are many and varied, and differ widely among individuals. To give you a few examples: participants have reported feeling more relaxed in themselves, more connected to their friends and family, better able to communicate in their intimate relationships, more relaxed and creative at work and more alive in their bodies. Feelings of joy are also common. Oddly, joy can feel a bit unusual or unfamiliar to people who've possibly never felt it, or may have forgotten the feeling, if it's been a long time.
My first experience with TY was back in the late 1990s when I attended Confest, an annual festival held in south-western NSW near the towns of Deniliquin and Moulamein (the meeting of the waters) that gives participants an opportunity to freely share their skills and knowledge in a wide range of areas in workshop formats.
Bud Barber was my first TY teacher. I attended many of his workshops at various Confests over the ensuing years and each time my enthusiasm grew. We would practice many different activities ranging from breathing exercises, meditations and fun partner and group activities involving dance, music, chanting and respectful consensual physical contact such as hugging, partner stretching, massage and energetic healing techniques.
What stayed with me after each of Bud's workshops was a profound sense of happiness and wellbeing. Bud always handed out written instructions of the main practices he taught at the end of his workshops. This enabled me to start practising the TY techniques I had learned at Confest when I returned home to Canberra. I never really understood why at the time, but I was compelled to do this.
I practised TY this way for more than 10 years, teaching what I knew to friends and partners. In that time I also trained as a Hatha Yoga teacher with IYTA. During that process, I realised that there was a lot of crossover between the two styles of yoga and that Hatha was a great preparation for TY.
So, now I combine aspects of both when I teach my classes.
During 2012, I travelled to and from Melbourne many times whilst I completed a Tantric Yoga Teacher Training course with Heart of Shiva Tantra Yoga. During that time I initiated a regular TY practice for myself and my practice partner, which I have maintained since. Regular practice hones my teaching skills. I also experience first-hand some of the effects that can be experienced by practising TY both with another person and by myself. My teacher training was a great opportunity to learn in much more depth about the TY practices I had been exploring for the past decade, and also learn many new activities I could share with others.
During my teacher training, I came to realise that TY gives participants a priceless opportunity to heal as it helps us ‘expand’ or rise above all forms of suffering (contractions), whether we’re aware of them or not. I considered teaching TY to be the highest form of spiritual service to people. What could be more rewarding to the individual and helpful to our world than to help people become happy, whole and awakened to the vast potential that lies within them!
So it’s with great passion, enthusiasm and respect that I offer this knowledge to you. The following will give you a broad overview of this revered spiritual path. Please let me know if you need more clarification or details. Bear in mind this is not an exhaustive list of TY practices, as they are many and varied.
Yamas and Niyamas
Moral and ethical codes of conduct to ease you through your experience of life in relation to yourself and others.
Dhayana and Dharana
Mental focusing and meditation techniques to centre and calm your mind, helping to transcend the ‘mundane’ and reach a stage of consciousness sometimes described as ‘bliss’ or ‘samadhi’. There is considerable evidence of various physiological and psychological benefits, both anecdotally, and more recently, scientifically.
Physical cleansing practices, including stretching for mobility and flexibility; resistance training for muscle strength, healthy joints and bone density; balance poses for agility; fine motor control; mental focus and personal safety; inversions for calming nerves; lymphatic cleansing and resting the heart.
Self-enquiry to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your desires, motivations, behavioural habits and addictions; and learning ways to overcome self-defeating tendencies.
Spiritual cleansing practices for the self and one's personal environment, enabling us to clear out, let go of and ‘wash away’ otherwise toxic influences.
A coming together of like-minded souls. A celebration of life in food, song, musicality and dance. A call-and-response style of devotion to higher ideals, whilst connecting with others in a welcoming circle; facilitating respect, learning, and in recognition of our shared commonalities.
Controlled breathing practices for the generation and raising of energy (shakti) in the body and mind; enhancing physical wellbeing, emotional stability, mental clarity and mental focus. Pranayama fuels spiritual pursuits such as enlightenment, emancipation from illusion (Maya) and freedom from suffering.
Using spiritual intention for manifestation on the physical plane, for the betterment of all, learning how to provide for your needs by harnessing your spiritual potential and directing it towards personal goals that benefit you and others, within your circle of influence.
Soothing and nourishing physical bodies with human touch, aromatherapy-grade aphrodisiac essential oil blends, promoting self-healing, facilitating connection and giving love and sensual support to self and others.
Chanting and Mantra
Uttering the names of the divine; repetitive phrases that evaporate extraneous thought and engender an experience of your full spiritual potential — your purest essence — revealing your innermost truths of love, peace and connection to all of creation (aka The Mystical Experience).
Sexual practices
Uniting us with our spiritual ‘brothers and sisters’, helping us feel loved and connected — not only in the flesh — but also in heart, mind, spirit and community. The ultimate way to bond with our fellow humans is through love; and sex can be a physical representation of that highest emotional state.
I trust this will ignite your curiosity and encourage you enough to contact me about some training.
I specialise in providing Tantric Yoga and Touch coaching for individuals and couples of all genders and sexual identities.
I’m trained in Tantric Healing to Level 3 and offer that as a service to members of the public. There's more information about that sublime healing technique coming up, if it should it be of interest to you.
I offer Tantric Touch to individuals and couples. It’s a very intimate and sensual form of bodywork. If you were in a throuple, I'd think that was amazing! I'd love to work with throuples! I myself am polyamourous. Ethically non-monogamous. I have many lovers.
I also offer Tantric Yoga and Tantric Touch training in the form of workshops to members of the public. I currently run a nude massage event which is presently only available to male identifying people. but I may start up a more open gendered event in the future.
More about Nude Massage Swaps
More about Tantric Touch for individuals
More about Tantric Touch for couples
PLEASE NOTE I am triple-vaccinated
Please complete and send the questionnaire to me at least 24 hours before your appointment. This saves time spent gathering information during your appointment and leaves more time for your session.

Feeling a bit lack lustre? Out of sorts? Jaded? Or maybe you’ve always been interested in things tantric, but have not yet had an opportunity to delve in?
Tantric Healing is a wonderful way to breath some freshness back into your life; a sublime way to shift ‘stuckness’ and blocks in your energetic system.
Not everyone wants to dive straight into getting a tantric touch or yoga session. So tantric healing can be a good introduction to the world of tantra, for those who like to start more gently.
The sessions can be tailored to your comfort level, in that you and I can stay clothed, undress to underwear or be completely nude. It’s up to you whether we include genital touch or not. Consent is of utmost importance prior to and throughout the session.
In a nut shell, you’ll be relaxing in various positions: seated, lying down or standing, while I place my hands either above or directly over various regions of your body. Tantric philosophy describes these regions as ‘chakras’ — centres or concentrated energy in the body. The various chakras — there’s seven main ones) — relate to different organ systems, mental faculties, emotional expressions and life areas, such as interrelationships with others, relationship with yourself, creative expression, sexual expression, intuition, love and compassion.
Sometimes I use an aphrodisiac essential oil blend to gently massage over exposed skin. This is your choice.
I would guide you through a tantric breathing technique as we work together to clear any energetic blocks you’re holding within. At the appropriate time, I would move my hands from one chakra to the next working with you to systematically clear and energise you.
Tantric healing sessions take about an hour, after which we can either lie down and embrace, or sit and chat over a cupper.
It’s not uncommon for clients to have emotional releases either during the sessions or soon afterwards. We all process the experience in our own way and time.
I’m available to discuss any changes after your session, via text, email, or a free 15-minute voice or video call.
I’m a completely accepting cis gay man and I’m delighted to assist any folk from our wonderful world of gender expressions and sexualities. I’m age-respectful, handicap-able friendly and welcome peeps from all races and creeds.
Providing they’re respectful of me, no one gets turned away.
Gavin Sri Amneon talks with Kevan Gregory about Tantra
Gavin talks with Jason about his experiences with Tantric yoga and massage
For more information, please use the CONTACT FORM.